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OHSAS 18001/2007-PROJECT Healthy work for increased productivity
Admin July 4, 2019

PROJECT BG051PO001-2.3.02-0075

"Healthy Work for Increased Productivity"

The project is implemented with the financial support of

Human Resources Development Operational Programme

co-financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union

In connection with the implementation ofContract No. ESF-2302-06-11001 "Healthy work for increased productivity" with beneficiary:" Pen Silhouette" Ltd,the following results were achieved:


1. A single duct air conditioning system was purchased and installed, which contributed to improving the environment in the working premises.

2. An "Analysis of posture and design of labor activity" was carried out at "Pen Silhouette" OOD, which improved health and safety working conditions.

3. An Occupational Health and Safety Management System was developed and implemented according to the international standard for safe working conditions OHSAS 18001/2007 in connection with introduction of new equipment.

4. Certification was carried out according to the international standard for safe working conditionsOHSAS 18001/2007.

The implementation of the project contributed toreducing and eliminating risk for employees. Through the implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System according to the international standard for safe working conditions OHSAS 18001/2007, "Pen Silhouette" Ltd. declares its policy for health and safety working conditions for its employees.